Water resources: the rains will enhance the water storage throughout the country


Baghdad – INA

The Ministry of Water Resources confirmed today, Sunday, that the rains will enhance the water storage throughout the country, while indicating that part of the floods will be diverted to the marshes to improve them.

The media office of the ministry said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the Minister of Water Resources, Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani, arrived in Wasit Governorate to see the field and directly on the drainage of rain and torrential water, and met the Governor of Wasit Muhammad Jamil Al-Mayahi."

The statement clarified, "Al-Hamdani undertook a field tour that included Badra district and Jassan sub-district to directly supervise the conduction of the wave of torrents and rains coming from the eastern side in the climates of the consolidation and Kalal Badra and monitor the flood payment in the border areas," stressing that "the Ministry's formations in the governorate are capable and ready to drain rain water." The torrents are safe, smooth and according to a well thought out plan. "

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