Transport Minister announces sending a letter to the Council of Ministers regarding Al-Faw port


Baghdad – INA

Transport Minister Nasser Al-Shibli announced that a request had been sent to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to obtain approval regarding the large port of Faw.

Al-Shibli told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), today, Sunday, that "the Faw port is very important and there is much talk about it at the present time, revealing the presence of internal and external interference."

He added that the ministry sent a letter to the General Secretariat to present it to the Council of Ministers and obtain approval, after which negotiations could be negotiated with the Korean Daewoo company, "stressing that the main reason for heading towards the Korean Daewoo is because it obtained a decision from the Council of Ministers in 2019 to refer all or partial projects to it."

It was pointed out that the Korean Daewoo is currently responsible for building roads inside the port and the burial of the breakwater and it is also responsible for the start of the gate for the tunnel that connects the Al Faw port with Khor Al Zubair.

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