The start of the Tuirej run


Holy Karbala – INA

Once again history proves the greatness of Hussein, as millions of visitors flock to the holy Karbala despite the outbreak of the Corona virus, amid great commitment to safety and prevention conditions, and with the influx of crowds of visitors, the Tuwairij run, one of the visit ceremonies, witnessed a large number of visitors running towards the shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and they are Shouting slogans of loyalty to their love Husseini.

This year, Tuwirij jogging witnessed a special organization to avoid friction and prevent exposure to infection with the virus, as well as prevent any accident, as happened last year.

The Iraqi News Agency (INA) documented the Tuwaireej run and monitored the love of Al-Hussein's visitors to implement all the rituals of the visit, while fully adhering to the recommendations of the religious authority and the Ministry of Health, in terms of prevention.

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