The National Council expresses its confidence in the medical outputs in Iraq


Baghdad – INA

The National Council for the Accreditation of Medical Colleges confirmed Today, Sunday that Iraq has achieved 85% of the international accreditation.

The Department of Relations and Information of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Faculties in Iraq confirmed the continuation of its work in covering, following up and diagnosing the requirements of international accreditation that Iraq has accomplished of eighty-five percent", pointing out that "During the meeting, which was attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Nabil Kadhim Abdel-Saheb, the head and staff of the Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Authority and the Legal Department, as well as the Chairman of the Committee of Deans of Medical Faculties, the members of the Council expressed their confidence in medical colleges in Iraq and their outputs in light of the global determinants approved by the International Union for Medical Education ( WFME), affirming that medical colleges in Iraq have completed the self-assessment study that tops the requirements for accreditation and that it has made great strides towards correct medical education.

According to the statement, the meeting clarified that "accreditation represents the fruit of scientific cooperation with the specialized colleges and that the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Faculties in Iraq is working on arranging and observing priorities for coordination with the International Federation for Medical Education to supplement and support the national accreditation process in Iraq and benefit from global experiences in a way that guarantees qualified outputs to provide."

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