The Ministry of Youth: we have developed a special program for the visit of Infantino


Baghdad – INA – Hussein Ammar

The Director of Information of the Ministry of Youth, Mowaffaq Abdel-Wahab, confirmed that the ministry had set up a special program for the visit of the President of the International Federation, Gianni Infantino, scheduled for the end of this month.

Abdul-Wahhab said in a special statement to the Iraqi News Agency today, Tuesday, that "there is a special program for the visit of the president of the federation, and we hope that all circumstances allow this visit to take place, especially since everyone knows that there is a ban on travel in Europe, so until this moment all arrangements are in place regarding receiving a president." The International Federation, and I believe that if Iraq sets foot on its feet, many things will be done for Iraqi football. "

Abdel-Wahab explained, "This invitation received special attention from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the government effort is at a high level in relation to this visit, and the match of the Iraqi and Kuwaiti team will be the conclusion of the special visit of the Gulf delegation to learn about the possibility of Iraq to host the Gulf 25 and also the President of the Federation will be present in it." International Infantino to learn about Iraq's capabilities in organizing tournaments, whether in Basra or other provinces.

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