The joint operations reveal the details of Al-Kadhmi's visit


Baghdad – INA

Today, Friday, the Joint Operations Command revealed the details of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhmi's visit to its headquarters.

The spokesman for the joint operations, Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The visit of the Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa Al-Kadhmi to the Joint Operations Command was successful and important,” indicating that “Al-Kadhmi listened to a detailed briefing from the Deputy Commander of Joint Operations. In which he clarified the capabilities of the security forces and the general position in relation to the security forces, and the potential for terrorism to exist, to seize it and to pursue it.

He added, "Al-Kadhmi directed during his visit to the necessity for the intelligence and security effort to be more, and for the pressure to continue to be put on terrorist organizations, to pursue them. He also stressed the necessity of restricting weapons to the hands of the state, and that terrorists who try to circumvent the law be pursued."

Al-Khafaji added, "The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces referred to the sacrifices of the security forces that have made many martyrs and have a great and important role in protecting Iraq, and are still performing their role to maintain the security, unity and safety of the country, so it deserves all respect and appreciation," praising "the heroism and sacrifices of the martyrs." Of the security forces of various names. "

He pointed out that "the visit of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces gave an important positive impetus to the Joint Operations Command," stressing the importance of Al-Kadhmi's visit, to see the entirety of the operations against terrorist organizations.

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