The Election Commission approves the technical specifications for the work of the inspecting company


Baghdad – INA

The Electoral Commission confirmed that it has approved the technical specifications for the work of the electronic equipment inspection company to ensure the integrity of the elections.

The commission's spokesperson, Jumana Al-Ghalai, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "A technical committee was formed from the commission's staff specialized in the technical and legal aspects, and headed by the deputy head of the electoral administration for technical affairs, which held several continuous meetings in the presence of a representative of the United Nations team to discuss the specifications. The technical requirements for ensuring the integrity of the elections. Accordingly, the Board of Commissioners approved the technical specifications for selecting the company that examines the electronic equipment.

Adding to that "the technical committee has prepared a study to lay down the technical specifications that must be met in choosing the inspection company, which the United Nations nominates for electoral assistance in terms of examining the polling devices and the devices attached to them, the software used, the media and the transmitter and the servers for announcing the results," noting that "the Council Election Law Iraqi Parliament No. (9) for the year 2020 AD, Chapter Nine General and Final Provisions Article (38) Third, which stipulates that the Commission should contract with a discreet international company with experience in technological specialization and have similar work to examine the software of voting devices, which are devices that accelerate results and devices attached to it.

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