Talabani confirms the woman’s pursuit of one of the three presidencies


Baghdad – INA

The Association of Iraqi Women Parliamentarians organized a dialogue seminar entitled Women between decision-making positions and the upcoming elections, at the Al-Nahrain Center hall.

"Everyone is interested in the issue of the role of women in decision-making, and this comes in conjunction with the upcoming elections, and it represents a logical response to questions about the relationship of women with the parliamentary quota," said the head of the assembly, Alaa Talabani, at the beginning of the seminar attended by the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

Talabani stressed, "The work of women in society is not easy, and had it not been for the" quota ", women would not have had such a strong presence, and that their representation of Baghdad in the House of Representatives is linked to the quota, and that it is necessary for women to be present in the House of Representatives, whether they contributed to decision-making or not. They have the opportunity to do so, noting that she "works within the Kurdistan Union Party and its parliamentary bloc, but the three presidencies are the ones that make the decisions, and there is no woman in these presidencies."

She added, "It is not acceptable for a woman to be a member of the Security and Defense Committee and accuses her of failing to perform this task, while she seeks to raise the awareness of society to the point where the woman gains the confidence of the voter, so she is nominated without resorting to the quota."

Talabani aslo emphasized, "Women won the legislative elections without a quota, but their electoral lists referred them to the quota and gave their votes to others, and this is a violation of the law that states that the winner of her votes is not counted on the quota."

Talabani explained, "The woman's attempt to obtain one of the three presidencies in each election cycle in order to be able to make decisions, but the blocs and parties prevent the achievement of this goal," pointing out to "the successful experience of former MP Hanan Al-Fatlawi, who headed an electoral list and won three seats.”.

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