Salih receives a cable of condolence from the Pope of the Vatican


Baghdad – INA

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received today, Thursday, a message of condolence from His Holiness, Pope Francis I.

The media office of the President of the Republic said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, received a message of condolence from His Holiness, Pope Francis I, sent by the Secretary of the Vatican State Cardinal Petroit Parolin, condoling the victims of the two bombings that targeted the Tayaran Square in Baghdad."

The following is the text of the telegram:

His Holiness, Pope Francis, was deeply distressed upon hearing the explosion happened today in the Al-Tayaran Square, rejecting this evil and heinous act, and praying for the souls of the dead and their families, the wounded, and the emergency personnel who care for these wounded. And he wishes that everyone will continue to work to overcome violence with brotherhood, solidarity and peace. Pope Francis calls upon the blessing of the God to descend upon the entire Republic and its people. "

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