Russia sets a record for the number of people recovering from Corona


Follow-up -INA

The headquarters of the Corona Virus Control in Russia announced, in a statement, that during the past 24 hours, 21,608 recent confirmed cases of infection with the emerging coronavirus were recorded.

they added, "A quarter of the injured had no symptoms and 439 people died in one day, and this is a new record, while the number of those discharged from hospitals reached a record high, as they were discharged today, 18,811."

The Russian Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko, announced that the mass production of the world's first vaccine to prevent infection of the emerging corona virus began in Russia.

He said at a meeting of BRICS health ministers that the "Sputnik -V" vaccine had entered civilian circulation and began spreading today across regions.

Murashko indicated that "the industrial volume of the vaccine is increasing now, while" manufacturers have put in place technological regulations and are launching mass production. "

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