Mulla Talal: There is no intention to print the currency to fill the salary deficit


Baghdad – INA – Moataz Abbas

Today, Tuesday, a spokesman for the Prime Minister, Ahmed Mulla Talal, denied that there are intentions at the Central Bank of Iraq to print a new currency, and while confirming that employees ’salaries are secure, he indicated that the government has other solutions, if the law covering the fiscal deficit does not pass in Parliament, or In the event that it is reduced and not sufficient.

Mulla Talal said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "The news that spoke about the intention of the central bank to print a new currency is incorrect news, because the monetary policy management of the central bank is a clear administration that aims to maintain the exchange rate," stressing that " Employees' salaries are insured. "

He added that "one of the most important decisions taken by the Council of Ministers today, which is the approval of the referral of the draft amendment to the Law of the Martyrs Foundation, to include victims of the demonstrations who fell in the past year and beyond," noting that "the decision needed to be amended to include the victims' families on their rights."

And Mulla Talal continued at the press conference held today, attended by the correspondent of the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the current government's keenness to adhere to the most important item of its government platform, which is to conduct early elections, prompted it to take several steps, whether within the scope of the prime minister's office. And his advisors for election affairs or permanent contact with the commission, or in the decisions that the cabinet may take in order to support the commission. "

He explained that "the Council of Ministers decided to allow the Election Commission to increase the quantities or change the specifications by no more than 40 percent of the total contract amount instead of 20 percent, with the exception of the provisions of Paragraph (1) H, third, of the controls number one attached to the implementation of government contracts No. 2 for the year 2014, as well as strengthening the documentary credit by allocating an amount of three 3464,000 dollars, to prepare the additional quantities for the recent deployment, and this comes within the government's duties to overcome obstacles before the High Elections Commission in order to hold the elections on schedule next June.

He pointed out that "the Council of Ministers also decided to provide the agricultural sector's need of wheat and barley seeds and at the same support prices for the previous agricultural season, as this will contribute to reducing the financial burden and will achieve an increase in production in quantity and quality."

He pointed out that "the Council of Ministers issued another decision that includes authorizing the Minister of Water Resources to negotiate and sign a protocol for cooperation in managing the Tigris water between Iraq and Turkey."

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