MOI: Orders were issued to confiscate weapons from tribal conflict areas


Baghdad – INA

Today, Sunday, the Ministry of the Interior announced the inspection of all areas witnessing tribal conflicts and the confiscation of light and medium weapons, while confirming the existence of broader measures by operations leaders and police directorates, to impose security.

The ministry’s spokesman, Major General Khaled Al-Muhanna, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “There are higher orders issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa Al-Kadhmi, under the supervision and follow-up of the Minister of Interior, including a wide inspection of all areas where tribal conflicts occur, and the seizure and confiscation of weapons, whether light. Or medium ".

He added, "There is a tendency of the government to deter these acts, which threaten national security," noting that "tribal conflicts are one of the serious problems that threaten the fabric of Iraqi society."

He pointed out that "the next stage will witness extensive measures by the operations leaders and police directorates, to impose security and try to control these weapons, which are used to terrorize innocent citizens."

Regarding the details of the clan conflict that took place in the Husseinieh area – Al Maamel, northeast of the capital, he explained that "the conflict arose against the background of a one-on-one quarrel between two people, as a result of which a person was killed in the altercation."

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