MOH agrees to treat the artists free of charge


Baghdad – INA

Minister of Health and Environment Hassan Al-Tamimi agreed Today, Sunday, to treat artists belonging to the Iraqi Artists Syndicate free of charge.

The Ministry of Health said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The Minister of Health and Environment, Hassan Al-Tamimi, directed the Administrative, Financial and Legal Department to treat artists belonging to the Artists Syndicate free of charge at the Ministry's expense," indicating that "this came within the Ministry's continuous interest and support for the artistic, literary and media process." Which the ministry has always sought to provide its health services free of charge to be added to sick cases and humanitarian appeals. "

The ministry added, "The approval included the approval of the identity of the Iraqi Artists Syndicate and the window for the year in which the health institutions are reviewed for the purpose of treatment free of charge throughout our health institutions in the capital Baghdad and the provinces."

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