MOFA: Iraq is on the way to promoting common options with the United States


Baghdad – INA

Today, Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that Iraq believes that its partnership with the United States of America is strategic, and it is moving towards strengthening common options between the two countries, and indicated that Iraq emphasized a number of interests, foremost among which is the departure from the policy of axes.

“The second round of the strategic dialogue between Baghdad and Washington was a continuation of the first dialogue that took place on 6/11/2020,” ministry spokesman Ahmed Al-Sahhaf told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) correspondent.

“The first is that Iraq affirmed the active neutrality of its movement because it does not express the policy of the axes, and it is based on this to express and consecrate its Iraqi national interests based on the constitution and the laws in force, and secondly, Iraq is the one who knows the sources of its strength and relies on it. The third point is that partnership with the United States . the American administration is within the umbrella of major interests that begin with health, economy, education and culture and do not end at the limits of exchanging capabilities and developing expertise at all levels. No exception is what is related to training Iraqi forces and building their capabilities.

The dialogue between Iraq and Washington is based on an agreement

He pointed out that “the legal establishment of the dialogue is based on the previous strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States of America, and this agreement notes the development of the path of common challenges between the two countries, and looks at the development path of the internal Iraqi situation and its repercussions surrounding Iraq, and its reflection on the nature of this relationship.”

Strategic relationships

He stressed that “Iraq believes that its partnership with the United States of America is a strategy, and it is a past towards promoting common options between the two countries, and we base this on government measures based on Iraqi laws and the constitution and on the nature of Iraqi national internal requirements.”

He pointed out that “the comprehensive interests between the two countries require the provision of a safe environment, and this requires dedication and standing firm on joint efforts related to the field of combating terrorism.”

American support

He explained that “the American side, in this round, expressed its support for the Al-Kadhmi government, and support for Iraq economically and healthily, and the United States of America confirmed that it is going to consecrate the ability and stability of Iraq, in order for the Iraqi government to fulfill its national requirements on the one hand, and to reflect on this partnership with more stability.” “.

He added that “Iraq confirms the network of common interests in light of its national priorities, in light of full Iraqi sovereignty, and in light of the constitutionality and full sovereignty of the Iraqi state institutions.”

Continuing dialogue between Iraq and the United States

He stressed that “the dialogue is continuing because the strategic partnership between the two countries continues, and the need between the two countries, each one for the other, continues, especially as Iraq enjoys its very important geostrategic location, and within the power structure at the regional level.”

The strength of Iraq is stored in the American memory

He explained that “the stability, security, strength and stability of Iraq, and the preservation of its gains that have been achieved over the past years, concern the United States of America, the fact that Iraq is strong and capable of facing internal and external challenges.”

He stated that “Iraq as a success story is still in the scale of American political, diplomatic and popular memory, and he does not forget all those who helped him in achieving his victories against Daesh terrorist gangs, as Iraqis fought on behalf of the world and made sacrifices, so the United States renewed its support.”

Iraq is going to confirm the partnership

He stressed that “Iraq is going to confirm the partnership with the United States of America, in light of the new Iraqi requirements and needs, in line with national interests.”

Continuing coordination work between the two countries

And that “the coordination work between the two countries continues, and there are technical side teams that follow up the progress and coordination of joint actions, which push the wheel of dialogues of a strategic nature between the two countries.”

He pointed out that “the aim of all this is to consecrate the success of the paths of the relationship between the two sides, to move forward to support Iraq, and to affirm its unity and sovereignty over its lands in a manner consistent with the nature of Iraqi governmental measures.”

Tense relations with Turkey

Al-Sahhaf stated, “Iraq sees in the political solution and diplomatic coordination two possible ways to reduce the dangerous Turkish escalation, unilaterally, on the border strip between the two countries, and we previously indicated that these provocative hostile attempts by Turkey, the last of which was the fall of two officers and an Iraqi soldier from the forces Border guards of the Iraqi armed forces. ”

He stressed that “such operations will not result in efforts to combat terrorism well, and will contribute to raising the pace of escalation, and will cause more tension for security and stability at the level of the region surrounding Iraq.”

Iraq is a good neighbor

He stressed that “Iraq continues to adhere to good neighborliness and international laws that guarantee its rights. We have also gained support at the level of the Arab group and the Islamic group from the Organization of Cooperation, as well as many of Iraq’s partners at the level of the European Union and others.”

He pointed out that “many statements and positions have been issued in support of the Iraqi government in its right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

He pointed out that “the Iraqi government waved the economic paper, and the possibility of resorting to the Security Council and the Arab League at the ministerial level to issue decisions condemning these actions.”

He explained that “the priority is still to the possibility of a diplomatic path and a political solution, to reach a positive result.”

He stressed that “the continuation of these processes has major adverse repercussions.”

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