MOC set the date for the launch of the international access gates project (IGW)


Baghdad – INA

The Ministry of Communications set the date for the launch of the international gates project.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Communications, Raad Al-Mashhadani, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The ministry has completed the technical and legal requirements for the International Internet Access Gates (IGW) project in Iraq," pointing out that "these portals are major systems aimed at filtering websites and Internet contents. Good and their entry into the country and withholding the invalid ones. "

Al-Mashhadani explained that "the project was announced and referred to one of the sober international companies in this field, and it is now under implementation, and it is hoped that it will be put into actual operation during the third quarter of this year," noting that "the ministry is currently establishing and through joint technical committees with The relevant authorities in the development of accurate technical standards and specifications for the project of Internet exchange points (IXPs), which are places through which the various networks in the country are connected with the aim of exchanging Internet traffic through secure common infrastructure exchange.

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