Mine affairs: We have full statistics of contaminated areas


Baghdad – INA

The Mine Affairs Department at the Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed that it has complete recorded statistics of areas contaminated with mines and projectiles, while it works to supervise their clearance and cleaning and indicate the type of pollution.

Muntaha Khudhair Al-Jabri, Director of Awareness and Information of the Department, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the Mine Affairs Department has complete statistics of areas and polluted areas recorded in all governorates except for the Kurdistan region, of which there are now 2743 km2 of which remain, and an estimated area of ​​2872 has previously been cleansed and cleaned. How many square kilometers, with the joint efforts of the Ministries of Defense and Interior, and international and national organizations and companies operating within this program in all governorates.

They also pointed out that "work is currently continuing in cleaning and cleaning, covering an area of ​​237 square kilometers."

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