Maysan congratulates the Army Day


Maysan – INA

A number of political and intellectual elites in Maysan Governorate offered their congratulations on the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of the Iraqi army.

The governor of Maysan, Ali Douai Lazem, said: "Greetings of reverence and gratitude to our brave Iraqi army on the occasion of its great feast and the 100th anniversary of its founding, and we offer our highest greetings and blessings to our heroic Iraqi army, Sur Al-Watan and its impregnable fortress."

He added, "My congratulations are sincere to all the army’s members, including commanders, officers and ranks."

And he expressed his wishes for continued victory, pride and dignity for the brave army, mercy and eternity for the martyrs, for a speedy recovery for the wounded, and for the Iraqi people to be preserved and blessed with security, safety and stability.

For his part, the Director of Maysan Education, Riyad Majbel Al-Saadi, congratulated the army, saying: "Greetings of love and reverence to our brave army on the occasion of the centenary of its founding," praising "its great role in preserving and defending the homeland and the Arab nation."

He continued that the army wrote the most amazing victories and championships during its honorable career, and made sacrifices and martyrs, and they were the lamps of a homeland and still shine a glowing sparkle for the future of Iraq and generations, so every year and our tender Iraqi army is a thousand good and victorious.

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