Macron: In France, Islam can be practiced freely


French President Emmanuel Macron affirmed that the treatment of Muslims in the country is done in the same way as representatives of other sects, considering that Muslims "can freely practice their religious rites."

In an interview, Macron said: “Our country has no problems with any religion, and the attitude towards Muslims in France is the same towards representatives of other sects. Freely practice their faith. "

Macron noted that in France, at the legislative level, no kind of racism, nationalism or chauvinism is allowed. At the same time, Macron stressed that the French authorities will not allow anyone to violate the country's laws in the name of religion, especially the Law on Gender Equality, which provides for equality between men and women.

Macron said: "I understand the feelings of Muslims, but my role also lies in protecting rights, including the right of the French people to freedom of expression."

He stressed that "the institutions that print cartoons (insulting to the Prophet Muhammad) are not official media, but are independent media, but this does not mean that I personally support everything that is said, written and drawn on it."

Source: Novosti

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