Joint Ops: The International Coalition is committed to handing over all sites


INA- Baghdad

Joint Ops Command confirmed that the international coalition forces are committed to handing over all the sites to the Iraqi government.

The spokesman for the operations, Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the international coalition forces are committed to hand over all sites that they occupied in the country," pointing out that "the handover came at the request of the Iraqi government, as many sites have completed their tasks, training and prep and it became necessary to receive those sites from the coalition forces,"

He added that "Site NO.8 in Camp Taji was handed over to the security forces by the US, Australian and New Zealand forces, which was used to train Iraqi security forces to enable them to operate continuously," indicating that "the handover took place after the completion of the coalition mission to train security forces, which were submitted at the request of the Iraqi government in 2014,"

"The Joint Ops have a timetable in receiving the sites occupied by the coalition forces, as the Taji site has come under the control of the Iraqi forces," he noted.

Al-Khafaji explained that the international coalition is still working with the security forces in fighting Daesh terrorist gangs through air strikes and intelligence efforts.

He pointed out that "the coalition forces that withdrew from Taji have returned to the place they came from outside Iraq, and there is no repositioning or deployment."

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