Health: Iraq entered the most dangerous phase of the epidemic


Baghdad – INA

The Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed Today, Friday that Iraq has entered the most dangerous phase of the Corona epidemic.

The Director General of Public Health at the Ministry, Riyadh Abdul-Amir Al-Halfi, said in a special statement to the Iraqi News Agency, (INA) that, “Iraq has entered the most dangerous phase of the epidemic, and the Ministry of Health has repeatedly emphasized that the Iraqi situation is not far from the rest of the countries that witnessed the spread of the epidemic. ".

He added that "the lack of commitment of citizens will lead to an increase in the number of injuries and deaths," noting that "the shortest and effective solution is to adhere to preventive measures and wear the muzzle."

Al-Halfi pointed out that "the new strain of the virus does not differ much from the old strain, and there is no need to quarantine those infected with the new strain from those with the old strain," explaining that "both infections are dealt with the same protocol and health procedures, in addition to the fact that the laboratories are the same," And that all health and preventive supplies are available at the ministry. "

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