Hawrami: The KRG delegation handed Baghdad the information on resources and expenditures


Baghdad – INA

The spokesman for the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Samir Hawrami, announced today, Sunday, the arrival of the delegation of the region to Baghdad to complete the dialogues on the budget, indicating that the delegation delivered all information related to oil and non-oil resources to Baghdad.

Hawrami told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The region’s delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani arrived in Baghdad in order to perpetuate the dialogues with the Parliamentary Finance Committee and the political blocs regarding the draft fiscal budget law for 2021 and confirm those paragraphs related to the Kurdistan region in the budget.”

He added, "In previous visits to the region’s delegation and its meetings with the federal government and relevant authorities, the delegation delivered with all transparency all data and information related to oil and non-oil resources as well as expenditures," noting that "the region’s delegation is ready for any agreement under the constitution and applicable laws."

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