Hammoudi reveals the reasons for the deterioration of Iraqi sports


Baghdad – INA – Hussein Ammar

Photo by Safaa Alwan

After a period of competitive turmoil between the two poles of the Iraqi National Olympic Committee elections, leading to the state ruling to nullify the results of the elections that took place on the fourteenth of this month, which resulted in Sarmad Abd al-Ilah winning its presidency, through the decision of the International Olympic Committee to reject its results and adopt Raad Hammoudi as the sole interlocutor, The Olympic Committee is going through a difficult phase mixed with many contradictions and suspicions that have long been questioned by many who are interested in sports affairs, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) visited the head of the Iraqi National Olympic Committee Raad Hammoudi and shed light on the most important events that accompanied the elections until the issuance of the state order .

Raad Hammoudi said, "What the Iraqi sport has reached in terms of deterioration was due to the prevalence of private interests over public interests, after sport became for some a place of living and nothing more," indicating that "sports are not conducted in the name of one specific person, but rather is carried out by a collective decision represented by eleven people." They are members of the executive office, and every person has a description and responsibility to address within the Olympic House. "

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