Darjal participates in a ceremony to remember the late Ahmed Radi


Baghdad – INA

Photo by – Safaa Alwan

Gilgamesh University, today, Sunday, organized a ceremony to remember the late Ahmed Radi, attended by Minister of Youth and Sports Adnan Darjal, which included a photographic exhibition documenting his journey with Iraqi football, carried out by Iraqi News Agency (INA) photographer Safaa Alwan, who collected old footage from the eighties and nineties of the last century.

Darjal told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "This gesture has a great impact on the souls of athletes and makes them feel that Iraq is still fine and still remembers its stars and symbols, whether they are in the field of sports or in other fields."

He added, "This initiative organized by the University of Gilgamesh is evidence that Iraq is able to rise and return in all fields," expressing his "thanks and appreciation to the University of Gilgamesh for this celebration and for the universities participating in the championship."

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