CTS: A new plans to eliminate the remnants of ISIS


Baghdad – INA

The Counter-Terrorism Service revealed the number of its specific operations during the past 6 months, indicating that after the directives of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, a strategic plan was prepared to eliminate ISIS.

A spokesman for the Counter-Terrorism Service, Sabah al-Nu'man, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), today, Sunday, that "Al- Kadhimi 's tasks have directed the Counter-Terrorism Service to continue pressure on ISIS terrorist gangs, and to pursue what remains of their remnants, to eliminate them, and to secure and consolidate victories."

He added, "The leadership of the Counter-Terrorism Service has embarked on preparing a strategy to combat extremist ideology and terrorist gangs."

He pointed out, "the initiation of the implementation of this strategy on the ground, by carrying out qualitative, swift and rapid operations targeting the places where terrorist elements are present, especially in the provinces of Diyala, Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, as well as western Anbar, and in the Baghdad belt areas."

He emphasized that "the number of security operations carried out by the agency during the past 6 months amounted to more than 150 operations," noting that "these operations resulted in the arrest of 250 terrorists of higher command levels, and the killing of more than 50 terrorists, in operations that affected their locations in desert areas."

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