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English News
News of the world and Iraq in English
MOI: The preliminary investigation results of Daewoo company director suicide case
INA - Baghdad - Muhammad Talbi…
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Minister of Interior and US ambassador discuss issues of mutual interests
INA - Baghdad Minister of…
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MOT: the suicide crime of the Daewoo company director will not affect the implementation of the Faw…
Today, Friday, the Ministry of Transport confirmed that the suicide of the Daewoo company director will not affect the implementation of the Faw Port project.
The ministry said in…
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Health: 2344 new cases of COVID-19, and 4233 are recovered
Health: 2344 new cases of COVID-19, and 4233 are recovered
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Intelligence Agency: seizing a cache of weapons and explosive materials in Sabaa al-Boor
Intelligence Agency: seizing a cache of weapons and explosive materials in Sabaa al-Boor
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MOT announces the agreement on the final version of the contract for the implementation of the Faw…
Baghdad - INA
The Ministry of Transport announced the agreement on the final version of the implementation of the grand Faw project.
The Minister of Transport, Nasser Hussein…
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Al-Kadhmi's advisor: The Electoral Commission is considering reorganizing the Security…
Baghdad - INA The Advisor to…
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White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany tests positive for Coronavirus
INA – Sources White House Press…
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