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English News
News of the world and Iraq in English
Health: 3691 new cases of COVID-19 and 3244 cases are recovered
INA - Baghdad Ministry of Health…
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Al-Kadhimi: Baghdad protests were a peaceful reminder of October events
INA - Baghdad Prime Minister…
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NASA Chooses Nokia to Build First Mobile Network on the Moon
INA – SOURCES: VOA Nokia says it…
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Security leaders reveal details of events occurred during the protests
INA - Baghdad Security leaders…
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Darjal reveals the reasons for the delay in the stadium project, which is offered by Saudi Arabia
Baghdad - INA - Hussein Ammar…
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The Council of Ministers holds its regular session headed by Al-Kadhmi
Baghdad - INA Today, Tuesday, the…
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Al-Kaabi chairs a meeting to discuss the fiscal deficit financing law
Baghdad – INA Today, Tuesday,…
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