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English News
News of the world and Iraq in English
Trump criticizes anti-Corona workers days before the elections
follow-up - INA In the final…
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Salih stresses the continuation of efforts to combat terrorism and extremism
Baghdad - INA Today, Saturday,…
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Al-Halbousi and Al-Kaabi receive the Egyptian Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation
Baghdad - INA Parliament…
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Salih and Madbouly affirm the keenness to enhance joint cooperation
Baghdad - INA The…
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Harbiyeh denies the existence of the so-called white flags activity in Kirkuk
Baghdad - INA The commander of…
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Zidane and Dijal discuss the results of overseeing the Olympic elections
Baghdad - INA The head of the…
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The deficit financing law and the court top the schedule for the next parliament session
Baghdad-INA-Noor Al-Zaidi The…
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MOP: Opening documentary credits will ensure the completion of investment projects
Baghdad -INA- Nassar Hajj…
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Corona obstructs the trial of the accused in the attack on "Charlie Hebdo"
Baghdad-INA France suspended the…
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Ibrahimovic brings Milan back to the winning streak
INA – Follow up Swedish veteran…
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