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English News
News of the world and Iraq in English
French air strike killed three terrorists, north of Iraq
INA – BAGHDAD Security Media Cell…
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PEC confirms its support for gas investment steps
Baghdad - INA Parliamentary Oil…
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Al-Kaabi stressed the maturing of laws accompanying the legislative renaissance in the world
First Deputy Speaker of Parliament,…
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MOI launches a financial grant for families returning from IDP camps
Baghdad - INA Ministry of…
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Al-Halbousi spokesman: The borrowing law secured salaries for three months
Baghdad - INA The spokesman for…
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MOH to increase its capacity for Corona patients
Baghdad - INA - Karar Khalil The…
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SMC: A Katyusha missile of ISIS was found in Saqlawiadistrict
Baghdad - INA The Security Media…
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PM discusses with Bahrain's Crown Prince the bilateral relations between the two countries
Baghdad - INA Prime Minister…
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