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UNSC renews the support for Iraq security and countering terrorism
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ICAA: Normal Flights movement in BIA
INA – Baghdad Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority – ICAA confirmed that flights traffic at Baghdad International Airport – BIA is normal. This came as a response by Civil…
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PAC: We are working to ensure the share of water that coming from Iran and Turkey
Baghdad - INA The Parliamentary Agriculture Committee, Water and Marshlands, confirmed its intention to end the file of water quotas for farmers. Committee member…
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Oil Ministry: We have new projects to raise domestic production of gas
Baghdad- INA The Ministry of Oil revealed today, Sunday, that it has prepared plans to implement new gas production projects, to contribute to filling a large part of the…
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PFC: We seek to reduce the size of the budget to 130 trillion dinars
Baghdad - INA The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed its endeavor to reduce the size of the budget to 130 trillion dinars. "The deficit in the budget is…
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Baghdad Governorate: A plan to expand the deployment of cameras in the capital
Baghdad - INA Baghdad Governorate confirmed that it has a plan to expand the deployment of surveillance cameras throughout the capital, confirming that this project will…
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MOH: The distribution of Corona vaccines will be central
Baghdad - INA The Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed that the import and distribution of vaccines and treatments will be done centrally from the ministry.…
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ICAA signs a memorandum of understanding with France
INA – Baghdad The Cabinet General Secretariat announced signing a memorandum of understanding between the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority - ICAA and France to rehabilitate…
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US-Led coalition aviation strikes a cave in Makhoul mountain range
INA - Baghdad US-Led international coalition aviation carried out an air strike targeting a cave in the Hamrin mountain range, in which a group of terrorists were hiding.…
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Iraq Stock Exchange weekly trading indicators
Baghdad - INA The Iraq Stock Exchange organized five trading sessions during the third week of January 2021, from Sunday 01/17/2021 to Thursday, 01/21/2021. The Iraq…
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