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English News
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FM calls for the opening of the Moroccan embassy in Baghdad
Baghdad - INA Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein called on his Moroccan counterpart to reopen his country's embassy in Baghdad. A ministry statement received by the…
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National Security arrested the general administrator for Baghdad district and his 3 assistants
Baghdad - INA The National Security Agency in Diyala governorate arrested the so-called arrested the general administrator for Baghdad district and his 3 assistants .…
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Minister of Immigration: Our capabilities are devoted to solving the refugee crisis
Baghdad - INA Minister of Immigration, Ivan Faiq Jabro, confirmed that the ministry is working with all its capabilities to find a radical and permanent solution to the…
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CTS announces the launch of the martyrs revenge operation
Baghdad - conscious Counter-Terrorism Service announced the launch of the martyrs revenge operation. A statement by the agency, received by the Iraqi News Agency…
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Al-Saadi: The martyrs revenge operation will not stop
Baghdad - INA The head of the Counter-Terrorism Service, Lieutenant General Abdul-Wahhab Al-Saadi, announced the arrest of a terrorist north of Baghdad, while he…
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US-Led coalition aviation strikes terrorist targets
INA – Baghdad US-Led coalition aircraft carried out two air strikes on Saturday, killing seven terrorists. “According to accurate intelligence information and with…
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PFC: We seek to reduce the size of the budget to 130 trillion dinars
Baghdad - INA The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed its endeavor to reduce the size of the budget to 130 trillion dinars. "The deficit in the budget is…
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Baghdad Governorate: A plan to expand the deployment of cameras in the capital
Baghdad - INA Baghdad Governorate confirmed that it has a plan to expand the deployment of surveillance cameras throughout the capital, confirming that this project will…
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MOH: The distribution of Corona vaccines will be central
Baghdad - INA The Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed that the import and distribution of vaccines and treatments will be done centrally from the ministry.…
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778 new cases and 1546 recoveries of COVID-19 in Iraq
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