Water resources: Reducing imports of the Sirwan and Zab rivers will cause great damage in Iraq

Baghdad – INA

Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Water Resources confirmed that reducing the imports of the Sirwan and Zab rivers from the Iranian side would cause great harm to Iraq.

The ministry's spokesman, Awni Dhiab, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The drop that occurred in the Sirwan River at the front of the Darbandikhan Dam and the Lower Zab River at the front of the Dokan Dam is a violation that will cause great damage to Iraq, especially on the Diyala River, on which Diyala governorate depends entirely." The same applies to the Dokan Dam, on which the Kirkuk irrigation project depends, in addition to the fact that the water stored in the Dokan Dam contributes to the Tigris River as well.

Dhiab added, "The Ministry of Water Resources monitored this decline nearly four days ago, and there was a very large shortage in the Sirwan River from 47 cubic meters per second to seven cubic meters per second, and the drainage at the front of the Dokan Dam in the Lower Zab River reached 2 cubic meters in Second, and this means almost complete cutting off the water, "stressing that" this measure greatly affected the water storage of the Dokan and Derbandikhan dams, in addition to the direct impact on the citizens in the aforementioned river basin. "

He pointed out that "the ministry issued a statement in this regard, and asked the Iranian side and the specialists in the field of water resources management there to return the imports to what they were and in their natural form, and hopes that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will move in this direction as well."

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