Al-Haddad: A delegation from the region will visit Baghdad soon to complete the interlocutor


Erbil- INA

The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Bashir Al-Haddad, confirmed today, Friday, that a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad soon, to complete the dialogues.

Al-Haddad said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The delegation of the region will discuss with the federal government three important files," noting that "these files are the Kurdistan region’s share of the upcoming general budget, oil issues and border crossings."

He explained that, "according to the information he was informed with, a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit the capital, Baghdad, during the next few days to complete the dialogues that had taken place in the past between the two sides, and to reach understandings and agreements on the issue of the budget, oil and border crossings."

Al-Haddad added that: "It is not clear whether the delegation will be headed by the President of the Regional Government, Masrour Barzani or not, but what is certain is that the delegation will be governmental."

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