Salih: We need a serious stand that establishes rational and fair governance


Baghdad – INA

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, stressed the need for a serious and courageous stand that establishes a rational and just government that guarantees a free and dignified life for the citizen.

Salih said during his participation in the Christmas mass at St. Joseph Church in Baghdad, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): We congratulate the Christians in Iraq and the world on the arrival of the birthdays of Christ.

He added, "We are encouraged by the arrival of His Holiness Pope Francis to Iraq next year, and we say in the name of Muslims, Christians, Yazidis, Sabeans and the rest of the nation's components, welcome to Ur Iraq, home of the Prophet Abraham, the Iraq of civilization, history, the cradle of religions and the prophets."

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