CTS: We developed an intelligence plan to track down the remnants of ISIS


Baghdad – INA – Amna Al-Salami

The Counter-Terrorism Service confirmed the development of an accurate intelligence plan based on analyzing the security environment to track the remnants of ISIS, while noting that securing the provinces of Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, Mosul, and part of Diyala from the remnants of ISIS terrorist gangs, will be by the end of 2020, indicating the series of its qualitative operations during the current year.

The agency’s spokesperson, Sabah al-Nu'man, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “the Counter-Terrorism Service, since the beginning of this year, has developed a very accurate intelligence plan based on analyzing the security environment in all regions of Iraq, especially in the provinces that were at one point in time under the control of ISIS terrorist gangs. "

He added, "The intelligence plan was based mainly on tracking down the movement of ISIS terrorist remnants, and on the information we obtained from the editing operations and the database of the Counter-Terrorism Service, as well as on the cooperation of citizens by providing them with information, as well as from the terrorists who were arrested in a previous period.”.

He pointed out that the agency relied on this information to build an intelligence base to pursue ISIS remnants in the areas in which they are present, especially the rugged and remote areas.

He pointed out that "the security operations during the current year were distinguished by the arrest of large numbers of terrorists from the leadership levels of ISIS, as well as the destruction and deprivation of terrorist gangs of natural hosts, which they established in the mountainous areas, especially the mountain ranges in Hamrin, in the Wadi Zaitoun region, and in the the regions of northern Diyala, southern Kirkuk, and southern Mosul.

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