BOC: Restoring life to Tahrir Square came at the request of the demonstrators


Baghdad – INA – Falih Al-Obaidi

Baghdad Operations Commander Lieutenant General Qais al-Muhammadawi confirmed today, Saturday, that "the revival of Tahrir Square came at the request of the demonstrators."

Al-Muhammadawi told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The security forces started this morning, in cooperation with the demonstrators, to open the Republic Bridge and all the roads leading to Tahrir Square,” noting that “the revival of Tahrir Square and the opening of the roads came at the request of the demonstrators, and there is high coordination from everyone. To support the service effort in Tahrir Square, some canopy and tents that were in the middle of the street were lifted at the initiative of the peaceful demonstrators.

He added that "coordination with the demonstrators resulted in the arrest of 24 people accused of kidnapping and drug trafficking by gangs that were targeting protesters and security forces."

Today, Saturday, the Media Cell announced the opening of the Republic Bridge in central Baghdad.

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